Abdul Mohammed |
- CHEM 4000, Sept-April, 2016
- karim95@my.yorku.ca
Csilla Csukat |
Yosra Maher |
- Yosra Maher
- Undergraduate Student, Chem 4000, Fall/Winter 15/16
- Thesis: Intercomparison of NO2 Concentration between Point Measurements and Long Path Measurements
Aida Khanbabakhani |
William Fujs |
Sabour Baray |
Zoe Davis |
Alumini: Some people who have survived the experience
Kevin Nikelski |
- Graduate Student, Sept. 2013 - March 2016
- Thesis: Exploring the potential polyelectrolyte-apatmer films for use in optical and electrochemical sensing
- knikelski@gmail.com
Ibraheem Nuaaman |
- Phd. Graduate Student, Sept. 2008 - April 2015
- Thesis Title: Investigation of air pollutants near the Great Lakes in Ontario and along the coast of California
Akshay Lobo
- Undergrad Student
Summer 2012 - Summer 2014
- Medical School, UBC
Milos Markovic
Undergrad, CHEM4000, 2005/06
Project Title: Investigations of the weekday/weekend variations in ambient ozone levels in Toronto
John Liggio
Phd., Graduate, 1999-2004
Thesis Title: Uptake of carbonyls to atmospheric particulate matter: Ambient measurements and laboratory studies
After York: PDF, EC
Scientist, EC
Dr. Ali Azadi
Research Associate, 2001-2002
Current Employment: Environmental Safety Specialist, Providence Healthcare