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Notice of Public Lecture: Kristin Julianne Wall

 Faculty of Graduate Studies 

Graduate Programme in Chemistry 

Kristin Julianne Wall

A Candidate for the Degree of 
Doctor of Philosophy

Title of Thesis:
Investigation of the photoenhanced reduction of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) on organic films and above soils as the missing source of daytime tropospheric nitrous acid (HONO)

Date:  Friday, June 14, 2013,  @1:30 PM
Place:  317 Petrie Science Bldg.
York University

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Abdus Salam establishes second Aeronet Station in Bangladesh

Abdus Salam, a Post Doctoral Researcher and Associate Professor of the Department of Chemistry of Dhaka University, was a Ph.D student under Professor Michael Mozurkewich and visiting scholar for the last two years.  Abdus and his team have successfully established an observatory at the Island of the Bay of Bengal (Bhola), Bangladesh for aerosol studies. There he has been collecting samples with PM2.5 samplers (EnviroTech) and an Aeronet sunphotometer (NASA). This is the latest Aeronet station of two in Bangladesh. The first Aeronet station was built at Dhaka University, Bangladesh in June 2012.

May 10, 2013

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Special Issue Editors

York faculty Jan Bottenheim, Donald Hastie and Rob McLaren are editors of a special issue of the science journal, Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics (ACP).  They edited a special issue, The Border Air Quality and Meteorology Study (BAQS-Met).  The BAQS-Met special issue consists of 19 journals published from Aug 2010 - Dec 2011.  The publication date for this issue is yet to be released.

Jan 29 2013

Notice of Public Lecture: Mitesh Patel

Faculty of Graduate Studies 

Graduate Programme in Chemistry 
A Candidate for the Degree of 

Master of Science. 

Title of Thesis:
LC-MS/MS Analysis of Mechanistic Studies of Agricultural lPesticides in the Environment

January 25, 2013 @ 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
317 Petrie Science and Engineering Bldg.
York University

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Notice of Public Lecture: Nikolay Yordanov

Faculty of Graduate Studies 

Graduate Programme in Chemistry 

A Candidate for the Degreee of 
Master of Science. 

Title of Thesis:  Further development of resonant optical cavities for the measurement of atmospheric trace gases:  ambient measurements of atmospheric nitrate (NO3) radical and dinitrogen pentoxide (N2O5)

December 21, 2012 @ 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
317 Petrie Science and Engineering Bldg.
York University

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Notice of Public Lecture: Naeem Lodhi

Faculty of Graduate Studies

Graduate Programme in Chemistry 
A Candidate for the Degree of 

Doctor of Philosophy. 

Title of Thesis: Laboratory study of hygroscopic properties of secondary organic aerosols produced from isoprene and terpenes

December 7, 2012 @ 1:00 pm – 1:45 pm
17 Petrie Science and Engineering Bldg.
York University

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Notice of Public Lecture: Anna Kornilova

Faculty of Graduate Studies 

Graduate Programme in Chemistry 
A Candidate for the Degree of 

Doctor of Philosophy.  

 Title of Thesis: 
 Stable Carbon Isotope Composition of Ambient VOC and its use in the Determination of Photochemical Ages of Air Masses

September 20, 2012 @ 12:30 pm – 1:15 pm
306 Lumbers Building
York University

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