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Oil Sands Intensive Monitoring Campaign, Fort McMurray


Prof. McLaren and two students on Oil Sands Campaign 2013

Zoe Davis, Akshay Lobo and Robert McLaren in front of the NRC Convair aircraft.

Members of CAC (Zoe Davis, Akshay Lobo, Robert McLaren) are participating in the 2013 Oil Sands Intensive Monitoring Campaign based out of Fort McMurray, Alberta, organized by Environment Canada.  On Sept 5, Zoe Davis and Prof. McLaren will be aboard NRC's Convair aircraft "Research 9". The flight's mission includes satellite validation (TES) for CO and NH3 in the oil sands region as well as studying the transformation of industrial pollution plumes as they are carried downwind of the oil sands region north of Forth McMurray.  The mission will take them west from Alberta into Saskatchewan and back. In addition to aircraft measurements of air quality, other air measurements are being taken by members of the CAC at a ground site, AMS13, in the oil sands region. Prof. Jochen Rudolph's group is collecting filters that will be analyzed off site for the presence of trace organic material in particulate matter such as nitro-phenols and high molecular weight hydrocarbons.

Updated on April 3rd, 2014.