Title: Ozone, Acid Rain and Airborne Carcinogens: Pandora's NOX.
Biographical Sketch: Dr. James N. Pitts. Jr. received his B.S. (1945) and a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from UCLA in 1949. From 1942-45 he was a scientist with the National Defense Research Committee. From 1942-45, he was on the faculty of Northwestern University, leaving to join the new Riverside campus of the University of California where he was the first Chairman of the Department of Chemistry and subsequently Director of the U.C. Statewide Air Pollution Research Centre until his retirement in July 1988. He holds a Master’s degree from Oxford where he spent two sabbatical leaves, in 1961 as a Guggenheim Fellow, and in 1965 as a Research Fellow of Merton College. Currently he holds an Adjunct Professorship in Chemistry at California State University at Fullerton.
Elected in 1983 as a Fellow of the America Association for the Advancement of Science, his awards include the 1982 Frank A. Chambers Award of the APCA; the 1983 Richard C. Tolman Medal of the American Chemical Society; the 1985 F.J. Zimmerman Award in Environmental Science (American Chemical Society); and the 1988 UCR Faculty Award for Public Service.
Dr. Pitts has authored over 300 publications, including two classic textbooks in atmospheric chemistry: “Photochemistry” and “Atmospheric Chemistry: Fundamentals and Experimental Techniques”. For ten years he was an editor for “Advances in Environmental Science and Technology” and “Advances in Photochemistry”. His research efforts have focused on basic processes in photochemistry and photooxidations and their application to atmospheric chemistry, photochemical smog, acid deposition and airborne toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic species.
He currently serves on California’s Scientific Advisory Committee on Acid Deposition, its Scientific Review Panel on Toxic Air Contaminants and the Committee on the Environment of the National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges. In 1989 he was a consultant on research in environmental science for the Danish Council for Research Policy and Planning. Brochure